XenTegra - On The Horizon

On the Horizon: The next generation of VMware Horizon Cloud is here!

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 27

Last year at VMworld, we announced the VMware Horizon next-generation hybrid DaaS architecture. For us, “next-gen” represents a complete rewrite of the Horizon architecture that allows us to modernize every corner of the desktop and app virtualization infrastructure so many customers rely on, built entirely from the ground up. For customers, it means unprecedented scalability and cost optimization along with a dramatic simplification of the infrastructure required to deliver enterprise-class desktop and app virtualization. 

Earlier this year we launched a Limited Availability program for Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure customers, and today we’re pleased to announce that Horizon Cloud next-gen is now Generally Available to all Horizon Cloud environments on Microsoft Azure! 

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Rizwan Shaikh


00:00:02.480 --> 00:00:14.059
Andy Whiteside: Hello, everyone! Welcome to episode. Twenty-seven on the horizon Today is a November seventeenth. Two thousand and twenty-two uh my name is Andy White. Sign, and I've got uh Rizwan chic with me. Rizwan. How's it going?

00:00:15.420 --> 00:00:16.940
Rizwan Shaikh: Hi, Andy, How are you?

00:00:17.180 --> 00:00:31.170
Andy Whiteside: I'm good. We were just talking Um! You got some family stuff going on your You're still at over in India. You're working full time with integrity these days. And uh, how's that? How's that going? I mean, we We hit the record button and I'm gonna ask you how your employment's going.

00:00:31.890 --> 00:00:33.720
Rizwan Shaikh: Yeah,

00:00:33.730 --> 00:00:53.390
Rizwan Shaikh: Well, this is all going going on on on uh just just a remote session which to decide with my laptop, and that's that's going on in these days. Uh, uh and yeah, I mean, this is this is something that. Uh, I I I' not expecting. But then yes, I have to keep on working for this for some more time, and then

00:00:53.400 --> 00:01:00.220
Rizwan Shaikh: I would fly again a flight flight to to Canada. That's where the old plan is. Yeah, Yeah.

00:01:00.480 --> 00:01:09.069
Andy Whiteside: Well, we'll be thinking about you anything we do to help. Let us know. Um. I will tell you that the feedback from my existing sales team

00:01:09.350 --> 00:01:16.700
Andy Whiteside: uh has been just phenomenal. They They were floor to how powerful it was when you got on calls with them and customers, and

00:01:16.950 --> 00:01:32.050
Andy Whiteside: on the fly or right before the meeting, we're able to set up real demos and show the solution and show how we use the solution, and just do what integr does which is really make uh make the solutions for our partner vendors applicable to our customer needs.

00:01:33.370 --> 00:01:34.780
Rizwan Shaikh: Thank you. Thank you.

00:01:36.250 --> 00:01:43.660
Andy Whiteside: So you brought with you today a blog Uh, let me share my screen so that people that watch the video later can see it

00:01:44.550 --> 00:02:01.199
Andy Whiteside: you brought with you. The name of the blog is the next generation of Vmware Horizon Cloud is here, I think. I think, technically Gabe cano. Now this came out in August of this year. I think Gab and I may have talked about this one. Maybe maybe not. But this is going to be good because we're going to revisit it. Now with your input

00:02:01.350 --> 00:02:19.829
Andy Whiteside: uh, which you know, as you know, there's lots of ways to think about this stuff and talk about this stuff, and and I have to go back and look and see. We did this one before, but this will be different, because you have a different mindset than game, and it would be awesome to put them side by side and compare what came out of So So why did you choose this blog, whereas on

00:02:20.690 --> 00:02:48.269
Rizwan Shaikh: Well, if the the recent behind truth in this blog is uh, so first let uh let the audience know what's going on in Vm. Verizon. Uh uh, And what's what is the new technology that we are bringing in via a verizon that can definitely streamline the way we have been deploying Vdi, but at the same time all C. People can also get an exception to the end. Users uh this infrastructure that we talk about is the latest state of theinar infrastructure from the where

00:02:48.280 --> 00:03:03.419
Rizwan Shaikh: uh from, and that's called V two platform uh, of all the project type, and that's something which which has brought about a lot of changes. Actually, the way we look at, uh, we do ai, or the way we look at application virtualization in the institutions.

00:03:03.430 --> 00:03:15.550
Rizwan Shaikh: Um! This is for the first time we have gotten a multi cloud desktop at the service platform, with all of its management layers being put across on on the on the control plane direct, which means,

00:03:15.560 --> 00:03:25.800
Rizwan Shaikh: uh the users or the or the the customers would only get the work that they're interested on and rest Everything this comes in that's under one single piece of console

00:03:25.810 --> 00:03:52.690
Rizwan Shaikh: where you can go ahead, Define your images to find your entitlements for the end. Users define policies as well as to find applications as well from the audience. That's That's the reason this is a revolutionary solution that has that has been brought about. That's what that's what making me do uh to have this this blog actually to go through to that so that our users can understand like what's like the four-six is going on in and V. Of Pr.

00:03:52.790 --> 00:04:01.419
Andy Whiteside: So was one to to the best of your ability. Try to make this um make sense for me. And so before this

00:04:01.450 --> 00:04:17.369
Andy Whiteside: the Vmware architecture was a little more complicated, maybe, than others. This is what makes it simpler and scalable and easier to integrate

00:04:17.380 --> 00:04:31.719
Rizwan Shaikh: um the as well as infrastructure that we used to have it. Uh, we used to have uh a different pieces, different pieces being uh being deployed across uh, uh, by the by, the customer or the other deployment engineer.

00:04:31.730 --> 00:04:43.009
Rizwan Shaikh: Here's what we do here is, uh we. We have that a control plane, but all the management layers right from the main management system to the policy management. Everything is bundled across one single control plane,

00:04:53.290 --> 00:05:08.560
Andy Whiteside: and and the way they talk about it. Here is kind of what we were just talking about, but they actually use the term thin edge, which I love that concept. The idea that you got this platform as a service that connects things together, including public clouds, private clouds, private data center

00:05:08.570 --> 00:05:21.760
Andy Whiteside: and it's, and it's the skin edge concept that brings it all together. Now, how much compute you put at the edge is kind of up to you at that point. But the the solution that you put in place on the Vimer side got very simple because of this.

00:05:22.250 --> 00:05:46.880
Rizwan Shaikh: That's correct. So So the the idea behind having within the infrastructure is is to to make our customers aware that they've this needs to focus on on the workloads that they have, and this workloads can be anywhere in the same concept come across where they can have their workloads on. They are charging with hyperskayers and the cloud environment, or it can be an ongoing environment if they want to have it if they are more conscious about data so obviously.

00:05:46.890 --> 00:06:01.940
Rizwan Shaikh: Um. And that's where uh the we We talk about hosting the hosting the workload in month, and that's what the customers focus on. Rest of the pieces of the management is is just simply rely on the control paypal itself, so they don't have to worry about the control main part

00:06:01.950 --> 00:06:08.560
Rizwan Shaikh: uh the management services part. They just have to focus around on their watch with what's in desktop infrastructure.

00:06:08.750 --> 00:06:09.680
Andy Whiteside: Yeah.

00:06:10.150 --> 00:06:25.809
Andy Whiteside: So they they break this into a bunch of different subsets of conversations. The first one is about the what everybody thinks about other than securities days which that'll show up here in a minute. I'm: sure uh, And that's lowering the cost. What do they mean by this solution? Lowering the cost for the

00:06:26.100 --> 00:06:28.220
Rizwan Shaikh: for the

00:06:28.830 --> 00:06:48.600
Rizwan Shaikh: Yeah, What's So what really happens is if you look at the uh uh, look at the uh previous cloud infrastructure for rising. Uh: we used to have multiple management today is sitting at the sitting at the customer account. So we get the the cloud hyper scales, or in the long term environment. Um, and this would take a huge tool in terms of management components,

00:06:48.610 --> 00:07:17.089
Rizwan Shaikh: including the management of the security perspective that everything is being offered across uh to a license and port pay. So this means that we don't the customer doesn't have to deploy or run these services or manage the services across the are in market. It is all we all be managed across and into the a bad price and control plane, and what the customer gets is it's just a platform this test management platform we all of these settings so that they can. They can deliver the Vdi work.

00:07:17.240 --> 00:07:41.870
Rizwan Shaikh: So we we we we talk about uh the the horizon control. We talked about Verizon infrastructure. We talk about the connection services, entity managers uh the uh, the dynamic environment manager which basically defines the policies uh pushes the applications across, entitled The Applications and Vdi is across uh to the users, all of these management layers, and now being offered across to the rise in the program

00:07:51.810 --> 00:07:53.090
Rizwan Shaikh: from the

00:07:53.700 --> 00:08:09.449
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. I can't tell you that ever understood the whole pod concept. What? So I love of humors done here. This is great. This simplifies the heck out of things. Um! What was the pod? Why did the pod thing even have to happen back in the day? Was there some architectural limitation.

00:08:10.600 --> 00:08:30.509
Rizwan Shaikh: Yeah. So basically, uh, uh, the Paul actually makes up uh on the design of the call was to to to make the management more flexible. Um for the for the customers, for the users. Uh, but they what happened to the They were lipidations Actually, with respect to the thought itself, like we just we can happily two thousand work close

00:08:30.520 --> 00:08:47.030
Rizwan Shaikh: kept across, actually in one single part. And then, if you have more than two thousand workloads, if you want to scale up uh beyond two thousand we need to have we to build up another call that makes up again. Uh, uh, that puts a lot of efforts again building up the block, building up the infrastructure for you.

00:08:47.050 --> 00:08:56.589
Rizwan Shaikh: Um! In terms of uh. This was the big for the biggest advantage that they bought used to have it now in terms of the exchange services that we are offering Here

00:08:56.600 --> 00:09:13.759
Rizwan Shaikh: we are actually uh it's. It's completely been through, removed out the the the it's been completely. It moved out so the screens you can go ahead. You can deploy workloads as many as you can as well as you want to. And then you have you. You still have one single annual plane to manage all of your

00:09:14.420 --> 00:09:15.330
Andy Whiteside: yeah.

00:09:15.580 --> 00:09:16.979
Andy Whiteside: Well, I think that

00:09:17.000 --> 00:09:46.990
Andy Whiteside: goes into the next section here, where it talks about unprecedented scalability. What we have on the screen here for people that watch the video at some point. If they want to refer to this blog that they put together. It's got a twenty thousand seat environment, a single instance. Vdi. In this case i'm sure, and it's got one, two, three, four, five, ten pods at two thousand each, which would give you your twenty thousand versus the new V. Two way of doing it uh where it's just five thousand scripts, four five thousand seat subscription

00:09:47.000 --> 00:09:50.630
Andy Whiteside: spread out across one ubiquitous infrastructure.

00:09:53.970 --> 00:10:11.519
Andy Whiteside: So I guess that goes down to this next section that says unprecedented scalability. It's really taken the Vmware solution, so that you know tens of thousands of users ak single session desktops uh which in Microsoft world could have been multi session desktops. That's all. Another conversation,

00:10:11.530 --> 00:10:17.910
Andy Whiteside: all of a sudden that became very easy to get your hands around versus building out ten different pods.

00:10:18.360 --> 00:10:36.019
Rizwan Shaikh: Exactly. So to basically the edge, the the the control plane basically uh, it gives gives the benefit to the edge where your workloads have been deployed across and uh, and and that is completely scalable. Which means you can add in more amount of workloads, and that

00:10:36.380 --> 00:10:37.960
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, awesome.

00:10:38.140 --> 00:10:48.120
Andy Whiteside: Um. And then the next paragraph talks about advanced automation. What does this do to make automation more um conceivable, capable, reliable, doable.

00:10:54.460 --> 00:11:23.969
Rizwan Shaikh: Uh, the the entire section is uh is one single management concern that that we bring in. So basically you can define uh, your application to be published across uh from that concept. So you can also define the the policy that you want to bring it across. Uh, you also wanted to find. Uh, uh, let's say, uh what? What kind of application we pushed it across to what kind of users on a Vdi on a Vdi environment. So everything can be defined in the once in we can. So if you look at. This is a huge optimization that that the that the management could,

00:11:23.980 --> 00:11:30.419
Rizwan Shaikh: that that the administrators uh see, actually my experience when they, when they look at the look at the man in the consult platform.

00:11:33.080 --> 00:11:33.960

00:11:34.760 --> 00:11:43.730
Andy Whiteside: And r One: What's a great example of something you've seen people automate in a just a vmware, horizon environment in general, and specifically around azure

00:11:45.290 --> 00:11:56.690
Rizwan Shaikh: uh people have seen um. I mean, we have a horizon. We're gonna show on a on a dash platform. That's desktop in the service the next generation platform again uh talks about the desk platform itself,

00:11:56.700 --> 00:12:12.290
Rizwan Shaikh: and uh one of the biggest advantage that you get across in the desk platform is, you don't have to worry about what the management grade is all about. It's It's just a matter of like What's the work that you want to build across. And this uh, the the workload that that that can come across can be can be anything.

00:12:12.300 --> 00:12:25.859
Rizwan Shaikh: So basically, if you, if you if you look at the um uh the huge stability that you that you bring in a lot of visibility that that you get, that you get across. Actually. So if you, if we've talked about this, maybe it's a single plane of glass that we that we get across the

00:12:25.870 --> 00:12:48.120
Rizwan Shaikh: on the control plane where you can actually understand what users is accessing, what kind of application, what's it? Resource, and what's the resource? Consumption happening to access those workloads? And, in fact, trouble shooting as well. So uh you wouldn't be talk about uh Rca. So when we talk about uh, how do we have some cross analysis? What exactly goes the role that you have

00:12:48.130 --> 00:13:04.330
Rizwan Shaikh: um do strong coming up. What's exactly what is wrong that we have a slow login uh Oh, uh! What happening on on the on the user side. So everything uh for the for the administrative becomes clear actually, when they when we go ahead, and they when they look at the control trade.

00:13:04.340 --> 00:13:10.789
Rizwan Shaikh: So, in fact, the control player basically provides you complete list. Complete Rcs: Whatever issue comes across as you in a platform.

00:13:11.590 --> 00:13:21.459
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. And does this make it a lot easier to control and maintain? Let's say vms that aren't in use and maybe even deeper vision. Them:

00:13:21.970 --> 00:13:25.020
Rizwan Shaikh: Yeah, that's correct. Yes, it does that as well.

00:13:25.090 --> 00:13:38.960
Rizwan Shaikh: In fact, one of the best thing that. Uh that horizon next team provides is it's? It's completely Api triple, which means uh uh, the devising new assistance will actually provide an interface for all kinds of solution that we can talk about.

00:13:38.970 --> 00:13:49.289
Rizwan Shaikh: If you, if you have a if you have a a ticket monitoring system uh like service. Now, for that matter, or any kind of uh any kind of ticketing mechanism, for that matter,

00:13:49.300 --> 00:14:08.020
Rizwan Shaikh: or if you have a partners building up any kind of data management service packs, you can simply go ahead, Integrate all of these solutions across with an Api with with the you have the Pvi. It's the revising platform, which means the the

00:14:08.030 --> 00:14:21.930
Rizwan Shaikh: Um. The have a have a good amount of have a good amount of design process that goes through uh to integrate all of the solutions to horizon. But now it's just an Api. It simply go ahead uh integrate all of the solution with Api itself.

00:14:31.020 --> 00:14:45.549
Andy Whiteside: Hey, there's one we're talking Apis. We're talking automation. You said the magic word for me, which is service. Now let's Let's try to get one. Um: A podcast on the books in the near weeks in the coming weeks around service now, and V and V. And we integration.

00:14:45.560 --> 00:14:55.300
Andy Whiteside: Absolutely. Yeah, that's too, that we could probably do five of those on it. So there's so much integration for V, and we're in.

00:14:55.890 --> 00:15:11.999
Rizwan Shaikh: Yeah, there's a lot of things that we can do with the service now or or on the platforms like this. And we talk about like what's based on the platform uh which which brings in the capability of headpoint management as well as as well as verizon. There's both issues we can do uh with respect to service stuff. Yeah,

00:15:12.130 --> 00:15:28.829
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I mean um virtual machine management endpoint management asset management. Um monitoring with the V. Realize I mean, it's is this: I started looking at earlier day. I was shocked at how much already exist that I bet a bunch of our customers don't have integrated, and

00:15:28.840 --> 00:15:35.740
Andy Whiteside: probably Don't know they could do, and if they have service now, or going to have service now, that's that's a waste

00:15:44.210 --> 00:15:57.399
Rizwan Shaikh: uh for the customers like a lot of customers at once. We have. So now there, and we can actually go ahead. We can build. I can be more in the solution for them with respect to

00:15:57.900 --> 00:15:58.770

00:15:59.160 --> 00:16:13.849
Andy Whiteside: Okay. Um. Second. The last paragraph for section here says Improved stability, visibility, and troubleshooting. I think that's probably obvious. When you simplify, you get api driven, and you get to a single pane of glass. But what are they really trying to make sure we cover here?

00:16:14.700 --> 00:16:33.939
Rizwan Shaikh: Well, basically uh it. It just gives you the uh, the complete visibility on what? What exactly is happening in your infrastructure. The best part here is when you, when you see uh, when you log into the the you'd be able to see uh who is the user logged into what kind of application

00:16:33.950 --> 00:16:45.269
Rizwan Shaikh: uh, what was the login type? What was the log of that we said, you get a complete analysis and statistics of how many users logged into that application from you. Just log into that Vdi. And what was the resource consumption that has happened,

00:16:55.860 --> 00:17:05.739
Rizwan Shaikh: and also get an idea like, How do we scale up this data center across when you have new users coming in, or with the new requirement that comes across to build up the media platform.

00:17:05.750 --> 00:17:18.919
Rizwan Shaikh: So this gives you a a bit of flexibility is to uh, just to understand, like how things can things can move up uh when we when we want to scale up new workloads and new uh for for new users as such.

00:17:19.060 --> 00:17:38.400
Rizwan Shaikh: And that's one thing. Second thing is like as I mentioned about Rca. So you can actually get a complete use for analysis, like if I talk about a slow login if I talk about, let's say Bootstrom's happening. Uh I have probably users logging out of the thousand Vdi all the same time. And that's that's a huge boots from that I see across the night.

00:17:38.410 --> 00:17:49.440
Rizwan Shaikh: At the same time, if I see any kind of uh profile loading happening, so I can understand where exactly, uh, what exactly uh is going wrong. If there's a things from happening,

00:17:49.730 --> 00:17:56.519
Rizwan Shaikh: this is a slow logging issue. What exactly? When is that? A a file server. Access issue

00:17:56.790 --> 00:18:11.419
Rizwan Shaikh: is that a profile which is which is getting stuck up from there and outlook, and in between the outlook or sd files, so all of these will be the the The at the center would be able to see and uh understand, like what things are going wrong, and they'll be able to make corrections as well.

00:18:11.650 --> 00:18:12.530
Andy Whiteside: Yeah,

00:18:13.530 --> 00:18:17.399
Andy Whiteside: yeah, knowledge is power, visibility, huge. Um

00:18:17.880 --> 00:18:36.060
Andy Whiteside: simplicity stability, right? But um having the uh one place to go look and make sure everything's up and running and monitored uh not having the ten pods that we were talking about a while ago, which i'm sure there were ways to officially do that, but it took extra effort in this case. It's It's more simplistic.

00:18:36.290 --> 00:18:39.279
Andy Whiteside: Um, you know massive step in the right direction here.

00:18:40.330 --> 00:18:41.530
Rizwan Shaikh: That is correct,

00:18:42.160 --> 00:19:01.199
Andy Whiteside: all right. So the uh, the the blog written by Gabe um kind of at the end just gives you a bunch of links to things. What What if people want to explore either their new to? Uh Vdi? They're new to end, user compute their own existing Vmware uh horizon environments? What do you recommend? They do?

00:19:01.930 --> 00:19:11.970
Rizwan Shaikh: Well, uh they. They could start off by doing a small, I think we have a small free trial uh tenant of uh, we two platform. That is a rise in the extreme platform,

00:19:11.980 --> 00:19:23.810
Rizwan Shaikh: and once you do that uh the the administrators will be getting access to the Verizon if it's so uh they can. They can build up Vdi, and they can. They could start. They could start working it out on the

00:19:23.870 --> 00:19:32.929
Rizwan Shaikh: so that's just a trial that that that that gets it long actually. And uh, it's just a matter of uh our customers uh going and talking to

00:19:32.970 --> 00:19:45.990
Rizwan Shaikh: talking to us. And uh, we've been going ahead taking help from Uh, who can actually build up the free trial that internationally for that, and then uh and keep them around, and that we can go ahead and build up the media for that.

00:19:46.380 --> 00:19:59.149
Rizwan Shaikh: So that becomes pretty simple, just like what we were doing for uh the the cloud platforms earlier uh a free trial that, and for V. One platform that we were doing it the same thing. We'll be doing it for the Verizon external platform at the B two platform.

00:20:00.590 --> 00:20:18.590
Andy Whiteside: Yeah. And what's uh super nice about the fact that this is a cloud service base in the cloud. It, you know we simply integrates with cloud services in this case specifically azure, and the ability to spin up a proof of concept sandbox kick the tires.

00:20:18.770 --> 00:20:33.960
Andy Whiteside: It just makes it simple. I I mean how old you are, but but I know that in my day I used to build servers without virtualization, and spend all night building them just so I could break them the next morning. Um, those days are over.

00:20:34.290 --> 00:21:04.019
Rizwan Shaikh: Those days are over. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. In fact, the rising control they would actually get gets pre provision for you, which means you have your broken server ready. You have your uh, your Vdi templates ready, are you? You just have to go ahead log into the console, and that's it. You You are you ready to deploy your media workloads and type in all the users. Actually, with the help of Cloud connector, you would be able to go back to Directory, and that's it. You're up and running. If you go ahead and start up rising to your machine

00:21:04.240 --> 00:21:08.999
Rizwan Shaikh: uh any machine for that matter, and you can start start to multi-vi our applications. On that

00:21:09.520 --> 00:21:20.230
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, that's that's just super powerful super, And then the honest and the nice thing about that that's for the sandbox. And if you really need to do a real world um production implementation. In theory,

00:21:20.250 --> 00:21:24.289
Andy Whiteside: a simplistic version, at least, could be almost that easy.

00:21:25.120 --> 00:21:28.890
Rizwan Shaikh: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, this is how it goes.

00:21:28.900 --> 00:21:46.340
Rizwan Shaikh: Uh, in fact, uh uh, they have They've been uh talks at actually happening as well where these users can actually go ahead and bail uh uh a a free trial version actually from their partners like us, and then we can go ahead and and be able to go ahead and take it. They can talk about it.

00:21:51.300 --> 00:22:09.780
Andy Whiteside: Well, of course, uh someone listening to this on the Vmer side, or from the customer side, could also talk to us, and we'll we'll make all this happen, and all those special things around app integration and profile management and endpoint integration. Um, yeah, we'll do that for them right? That's what we do. That's what good partners do

00:22:09.790 --> 00:22:11.490
Andy Whiteside: make it easy for people.

00:22:12.030 --> 00:22:23.090
Andy Whiteside: What was one? I appreciate the time. And uh, you know, good luck with your family member there, and we hope to get you over to uh North America and live in full time in Canada and us as as soon as it makes sense.

00:22:23.750 --> 00:22:26.210
Rizwan Shaikh: Thank you very much,

00:22:26.370 --> 00:22:43.279
Andy Whiteside: and I again. I appreciate what you're doing with us. We've certainly up, leveled our um our abilities to talk, and we can do it. We've always been able to do it. But our ability to articulate the Vmware story to our customers and the Vmware folks that we work with. Uh, you're making a huge impact there, so thank you for that as well.

00:22:43.880 --> 00:22:45.890
Rizwan Shaikh: Thank you very much,

00:22:45.930 --> 00:22:50.480
Andy Whiteside: all right. And with that we'll wrap it up, and we'll do it again in a week. Thanks.

00:22:51.070 --> 00:22:53.000
Rizwan Shaikh: Thank you. Thank you very much.