XenTegra - On The Horizon
XenTegra podcasts are about VMware, Microsoft, Azure, IGEL, Nutanix, Ivanti, Google, PrinterLogic, Cisco, NVIDIA, ControlUp, Login VSI, and other key partners to make 'end-user computing' environments accessible from anywhere, securely with a single identity via VMware Workspace ONE. We make enterprise digital transformation a reality! XenTegra, we are the experts in digital workspace technologies and cloud infrastructure.
XenTegra - On The Horizon
On the Horizon: Workspace ONE Drop Ship Provisioning Online
Shipping a device to the end user is a pretty easy process, however, provisioning a device in a ready-to-work state can still be a challenge for a lot of organizations today. The experience for users can be severely impacted. Users might need to log in multiple times just to land on the desktop.
VMware Workspace ONE® Drop Ship Provisioning™ (Online) Self Registration allows Windows desktop device OEMs and Workspace ONE administrators to provide a virtually zero IT touch onboarding experience with virtually zero user downtime. This means that users are productive as soon as they receive their Windows desktop device—whether working from home or the office!
Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Rizwan Shaihk
Co-Host: Philip Sellers